Arachne/Verifier - Request Validator for Nette/Application
The concept behind Arachne/Verifier was originally meant to solve annotations-based authorization for Nette/Application. Now after years of development it is no longer limited to neither annotations nor authorization making it a very powerful tool for your security layer.
The Basics
With Arachne/Verifier you can add rules to your presenters, actions, signals and components. They will be available only if all the rules are met, otherwise the request is denied.
use App\Entity\Product;
use Arachne\SecurityVerification\Rules\Privilege;
use Nette\Application\UI\Presenter;
use Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\IsTrue;
class ArticlePresenter extends Presenter
* @Privilege(authorizator="admin", resource="Article", privilege="edit")
public function actionEdit(int $id): void
// ...
The point is that you don't need to repeat these rules in your Latte templates to determine when to show which link. There is a macro to simplify this and keep your code DRY.
{* Standard Nette way *}
{if $user->isAllowed(Article, edit)}
<a n:href="Article:edit $article->getId()">Edit</a>
{* Simplified using Arachne/Verfier *}
<a n:ifLinkVerified="Article:edit $article->getId()" n:href>Edit</a>
Available rules
First install Arachne/Verifier according to documentation.
Next you'll need some rules for Verifier. Arachne has 3 packages providing some rules.
1. Arachne/SecurityVerification
This package provides rules for Arachne/Security. Read my previous articles for details. There are 4 rules in total:
The most basic rule that simply requires the user to be authenticated via the specified Arachne/Security firewall.
The opposite of the previous rule, allows only non-authenticated users. This can be used for example to show ads only to unregistered users.
@Role(firewall="admin", role="Redactor")
Restricts access to just users with the specified role.
@Privilege(authorizator="admin", resource="Article", privilege="edit")
ACL based authorization rules can solve advanced cases with configurable privileges.
2. Arachne/ParameterValidation
This package provides only one rule - @Validate
. It can be used to validate the request parameters using Symfony/Validator constraints. This addon can validate the request parameters like this.
use Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\GreaterThan;
* @Validate(parameter="price", constraints=@GreaterThan(0)),
public function actionChangeProductPrice(int $id, int $price): void
// ...
3. Arachne/ComponentsProtection
This package can be used to restrict components to certain actions to avoid vulnerability (video in Czech) common to many Nette-based applications. The problem is that you can for example submit an edit form using a different action than actionEdit()
- bypassing any security conditions you check in that action.
Using this addon you can restrict your components to only certain actions using the @Actions
annotation. To avoid omitting this annotation by accident it is strictly required for all components.
use Arachne\ComponentsProtection\Rules\Actions;
class ArticlePresenter extends BasePresenter
public function actionDefault()
// Using $this->getComponent('editForm') would cause an exception.
// The point is to protect the form from using this action with an editForm-submit
// signal which would bypass any privilege checks you might have in actionEdit.
public function actionEdit($id)
// Using $this->getComponent('editForm') will work normally.
* @Actions("edit")
public function createComponentEditForm()
// This component will be available only for edit action.
Custom Rule Provider
If your rules follow some pattern across your application you can implement Arachne\Verifier\RuleProviderInterface
to generate the rules automatically according to your conventions instead of repeating similar rule for every action. Alternatively you can write a provider to pull rules from a neon/yaml/whatever file in case you don't like annotations.
More information
For more information how to use Arachne/Verifier read the documentation. It covers some advanced cases such as the @Either
and @All
rules or the verified properties feature which is very useful for complex Nette components.
Capabilities of both SecurityVerification and ParameterValidation can be greatly improved by using Arachne/EntityLoader as well. I'll go into details in another article.